The tuition fee balance (after registration fees are paid) is payable over 10 monthly instalments (from February to November).
– Instalments are interest-free, however, fees that are in arrears will bear interest.
– Instalments are payable by debit order. Debit orders are submitted to the bank either on the 1st or the 15th of a month. Should you have any questions regarding the tuition fees, do not hesitate to contact us at accounts@ctca.co.za.
The Cape Town Creative Academy offers discounts on the tuition fee, if paid in full before specific dates.
Most major South African banks offer study loans. Selected applicants should contact us at accounts@ctca.co.za to provide you with a study fee quotation. When applying for a student loan, please refer to our accreditation reference with the Department of Higher Education and Training: Department of Higher Education and Training: No 2014/HE07/009. The bank representatives are welcome to request a copy of the Certificate of Accreditation by contacting us at info@ctca.co.za
The tuition fee balance (after registration fees are paid) is payable over 10 monthly instalments (from February to November).
– Instalments are interest-free, however, fees that are in arrears will bear interest.
– Instalments are payable by debit order. Debit orders are submitted to the bank either on the 1st or the 15th of a month. Should you have any questions regarding the tuition fees, do not hesitate to contact us at accounts@ctca.co.za.
The Cape Town Creative Academy offers discounts on the tuition fee, if paid in full before specific dates.
Most major South African banks offer study loans. Selected applicants should contact us at accounts@ctca.co.za to provide you with a study fee quotation. When applying for a student loan, please refer to our accreditation reference with the Department of Higher Education and Training: Department of Higher Education and Training: No 2014/HE07/009. The bank representatives are welcome to request a copy of the Certificate of Accreditation by contacting us at info@ctca.co.za