The Cape Town Creative Academy admits applicants based on their academic record, artistic inclination and general aptitude. The Cape Town Creative Academy is guided by and adheres to the guidelines presented by the South African Department of Education and the recommendations on the National Senior Certificate regarding Higher Education and Matriculation exemption.
Since applicants have to be selected to enrol at the Cape Town Creative Academy it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. Applications must preferably reach the Creative Academy before the end of November. When you submit your application, a non-refundable application fee of R1000 must be paid.
Applicants who have received an acceptance letter may proceed with the registration process. Please note that enrolling at the CTCA is a two-step process: You first need to apply, and once accepted, you can register. Your spot in your selected programme is only secure once you pay the registration fee and complete the registration process.
Requirement for Admissions
Determine APS based on latest academic results
In order to be admitted for degree studies at the Cape Town Creative Academy, a candidate needs a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an APS of at least 22. Applications must include the applicant’s most recent Grade 12 academic report to calculate the APS according to the table provided.
Matriculation exemption is a requirement for degree studies. Applicants over 23 years of age, without Matric exemption, will also be considered based on mature or current competence and must apply for RPL.
Since English is the language of instruction, applicants are required to complete English in matriculates (as first or second language), with a minimum result of 50%.
Code | NSC Scale of Achievement Rating | % | APS |
7 | Outstanding | 80 – 100% | 7 |
6 | Meritorious | 70 – 79% | 6 |
5 | Substantial | 60 – 69% | 5 |
4 | Adequate | 50 – 59% | 4 |
3 | Moderate | 40 – 49% | 3 |
2 | Elementary | 30 – 39% | 2 |
1 | Not Achieved | 0 – 29% | 1 |
* All subjects carry equal weight. The 6 final highest achieved subject marks will be taken into account to compute the APS. (Life Orientation is excluded in accordance with general practice.)
Compile a portfolio of works
Applicants must compile a portfolio of at least five of their own artworks, which may include artworks such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, animations and design projects. These artworks must be presented as either good quality photographs or scans, not exceeding 5MB each, and uploaded to the Application form (see link below).
Pay the application fee and submit the application form
When you submit your application, a non-refundable application fee of R1000 must be paid.
Account holder: Cape Town Creative Academy (Pty) Ltd
Bank: Investec Bank Limited
Branch: Grayston Drive, Sandton
Branch no: 580105
Account no: 10011 614 972
Account type: Current account
Reference: Please use the Applicant’s Name & Surname
Swift Code for international transactions: IVESZAJJXXX
The Cape Town Creative Academy admits applicants based on their academic record, artistic inclination and general aptitude. The Cape Town Creative Academy is guided by and adheres to the guidelines presented by the South African Department of Education and the recommendations on the National Senior Certificate regarding Higher Education and Matriculation exemption.
Since applicants have to be selected to enrol at the Cape Town Creative Academy it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. Applications must preferably reach the Creative Academy before the end of November. When you submit your application, a non-refundable application fee of R1000 must be paid.
Applicants who have received an acceptance letter may proceed with the registration process. Please note that enrolling at the CTCA is a two-step process: You first need to apply, and once accepted, you can register. Your spot in your selected programme is only secure once you pay the registration fee and complete the registration process.
Requirement for Admissions
Determine APS based on latest academic results
In order to be admitted for degree studies at the Cape Town Creative Academy, a candidate needs a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an APS of at least 22. Applications must include the applicant’s most recent Grade 12 academic report to calculate the APS according to the table provided.
Matriculation exemption is a requirement for degree studies. Applicants over 23 years of age, without Matric exemption, will also be considered based on mature or current competence and must apply for RPL.
Since English is the language of instruction, applicants are required to complete English in matriculates (as first or second language), with a minimum result of 50%.
Code | NSC Scale of Achievement Rating | % | APS |
7 | Outstanding | 80 – 100% | 7 |
6 | Meritorious | 70 – 79% | 6 |
5 | Substantial | 60 – 69% | 5 |
4 | Adequate | 50 – 59% | 4 |
3 | Moderate | 40 – 49% | 3 |
2 | Elementary | 30 – 39% | 2 |
1 | Not Achieved | 0 – 29% | 1 |
* All subjects carry equal weight. The 6 final highest achieved subject marks will be taken into account to compute the APS. (Life Orientation is excluded in accordance with general practice.)
Compile a portfolio of works
Applicants must compile a portfolio of at least five of their own artworks, which may include artworks such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, animations and design projects. These artworks must be presented as either good quality photographs or scans, not exceeding 5MB each, and uploaded to the Application form (see link below).
Pay the application fee and submit the application form
When you submit your application, a non-refundable application fee of R1000 must be paid.
Account holder: Cape Town Creative Academy (Pty) Ltd
Bank: Investec Bank Limited
Branch: Grayston Drive, Sandton
Branch no: 580105
Account no: 10011 614 972
Account type: Current account
Reference: Please use the Applicant’s Name & Surname
Swift Code for international transactions: IVESZAJJXXX
Recognition of Prior
Learning (RPL) & Credit Accumulation Transfer (CAT)
The Cape Town Creative Academy adheres to the principles of RPL as set forth by SAQA in the “National Policy for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning” (March 2013) and the “Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework” (December 2014).
In order to determine a candidate’s accumulated credit transfer the Academic Committee may arrange an interview with the candidate (in person or via Skype) to assess the relevance and standard of prior learning or vocational experience. In compliance with national policy, the Cape Town Creative Academy awards a maximum of 180 credits (of the 360 necessary to complete a BA qualification) to candidates who successfully provide evidence of an appropriate level of competency and/or experience.
Due to the specialised nature of programmes offered by the Cape Town Creative Academy, candidates might however be expected to complete specific foundation year courses, despite their completion of a first year course at another institution. In this event, candidates receive financial discount on the tuition costs of their foundation year courses.
RPL is awarded:
- On the basis of completion, or partial completion of learning programmes in a similar vocational field, on an appropriate NQF level, or
- professional experience within a relevant vocational field, in the case of applicants that are 23 years of age or older.
The Cape Town Creative Academy provides credit accumulation and transfer (CAT) to students who wish to transfer from other institutions that offer similar programmes.
In order to apply for RPL/CAT candidates must submit:
- Application form (select relevant form).
- Certified copy of ID document.
- Complete academic transcript of all programmes, courses and modules completed.
- Portfolio of recent work (produced in fulfilment of the requirements of a programme, course or module, or within a professional capacity).
- Letter stating a candidate’s motivation for transferring to the Creative Academy.